The salesperson
You might think you are a data engineer, data analyst, or Director of Data.
But you might also be a salesperson.
It’s a common three-step sales pattern. See a need. Design a solution that meets the need. Then sell the solution. Invite the buyer into it. Call to action.
“Frustrated by salt and snow muck covering your car in the winter? Come through our car wash”
“Looking for ways to improve your physical flexibility? Join me for this fitness class each Wednesday morning.”
“Hoping to retire sometime before you move into the retirement home? Call me for a financial retirement analysis”
Your organization has dozens - nah hundreds - of problems, needs, and opportunities.
Many won’t be solved by data.
But the astute data team is watching closely for the ones that data can speak to. Can improve. Can reduce. Can maximize. Can influence.
And then focuses efforts on crafting data solutions to that problem, need, or opportunity.
Once that beautiful data product, mapped precisely to that aching business problem, is ready then you get to sell. It doesn’t have to be sleezy or cheesy.
If you are meeting a real problem in the business, your sales pitch about this data solution will be ever-so-welcome.
If you build what they want. They will…ahem…want it.
When you build the right thing? Selling is much easier. When you don’t know the problem, opportunity or need? Selling the data solution is much like hiking through mud.
Embrace the seller mindset.
And enjoy all the benefits of offering a solution that meets many people’s needs.
It was good to see you today,
from The Data Shop