You were wondering about this.

I’ve been talking (and you’ve been reading) about my upcoming workshop on September 10th.

It’s a 4-hour live and interactive event where you will build a strategy for your data team including a clear definition of success, details about what progress looks like, and a framework for making decisions.

Here are some of the top things you might be wondering:

Who’s this workshop for?

The people who will have the best experience are those who are focused on data and are in a leadership role in their organization. Titles like VP of Data, Director of Business Intelligence, Head of Data Engineering, and Manager of Analytics.

What should I expect during the workshop?

Expect lectures, whiteboarding, discussions, and individual exercises where you get to apply the insights to your team.. Show up ready to do work and interact with the experience.

Can I bring specific questions about my data team to answer during the workshop or will it be all lecture?

If your questions and challenges relate to the work we are doing in the workshop, then I’d encourage you to ask. If you have specific questions about technologies, design, or architecture questions that won’t benefit the whole group, I’ll ask you to save those for another space.

Could I just watch the recording later?

No, it’s a live session and the power of the experience is interacting in real time with me and the other attendees.

Will I receive the templates and worksheets mentioned in the agenda?

Yes, you will receive a copy of the materials so you can follow along with the work we are doing.

How will the workshop address different team sizes and industries?

In spite of differences in team size and industries, there are a lot of shared challenges of data leaders. We will focus on the core similarities while also making space to explore specific ways things might be different for your organization.

I can’t make this one. Will there be another?

Maybe, but I’m not positive. If you are interested, I encourage you to join this cohort.

How do I register?

So glad you asked.

Other questions? Hit reply and I’ll get back to you directly.

I’m here,



The mind is a dangerous place.


How to build a data culture that feeds your soul and mission