You could also ask…

You don’t have to ask “How do you measure that?

When someone tells you their desired outcome…

You could also ask:

  • What would that look like for your team?

  • What type of changes would you see between now and then?

  • How would your calendar change if this happened?

  • How would that change your hiring and team headcount?

  • What kind of testimonial would you want from your client?

  • How would the goals of your department change if this happened?

  • What kind of feeling would this outcome generate in you and your company leadership?

  • What would revenue look like for you to hit this outcome?

  • What would profit look like for you to hit this outcome?

All of these are ways of asking, “How do you measure that”?

Or “How do we know if we’ve got there?”

Because "If you don't set expectations, your clients won't know when they've won"*

I’m here,


*quote from daily email writer Kevin Freidberg. His content is gold. Check it out.




Facts. Fast.