The first decision
Define your analytics upfront.
Everyone can say they want "analytics" for their org, but analytics is a broad category that requires narrowing it down.
It could be descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, or prescriptive analytics.
Why narrow it down?
Because everything about your data platform design depends on it.
Storage (file type, columnar vs row compression, partitioning, and distribution, relational DB vs data warehouse vs data lake)
Compute (SQL engine, multi-language compute, single-threaded or parallel)
Modeling (dimensional, relational, grain of the data, feature engineering, etc)
Latency (daily/weekly/monthly batch, streaming or near real-time latency)
Defining core elements up front makes dozens of later decisions easier.
A great data team knows how to ask these questions.
A great business team knows how important defining their data goals is.
Iām here,