If the purpose of data is making better decisions then…

What is a good decision?

How do we move beyond a platitude about “data driven decisions”?

We want data to be an influential factor in our decisions, but what does that look like?

How do we make ‘good decisions’?

A good decision includes at least this:

An intentional choice made with an appropriate level of consideration and time reviewing the relevant information - that will give you the best chance of moving you closer to your desired outcome over time.

  • Not passive, ignored, or unaware.

  • An appropriate amount of mental energy and time spent based on how reversible and severe the results are. More time is spent on buying a house than picking a paint color for the bedroom.

  • Take into consideration future expectations, historical inputs, and current reality

  • We know what we want and we are making a decision toward that end.

  • You do not judge a single decision based on a single outcome. Too many unknowns and luck involved. Not every time, but with enough time. There is always some level of uncertainty.

Consider your benign choices from today so far (what to wear, what to eat for breakfast, whether to read this email) and evaluate them through this pattern.

Most of the decisions we make are below the conscious level. But the more important the decision, the more crucial it is to have a decision-making framework.

Nothing will lead to perfect outcomes.

But over time, they will get you closer.

I’m here,


from The Data Shop


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