Here to stay
The big players are already finding Large Language Model (LLM) use cases. It’s already a revenue-generating feature for big tech businesses.
But what about your business?
Most business leaders are caught up in daily execution and quarterly planning. It’s hard to take in macro-technology trends.
Here are a few foundational ways LLMs could help your business:
Employee onboarding buddy via Conversational AI model. New employees are bombarded by employee handbooks, company acronyms, department guidelines, and processes, etc. A conversational AI chat model, trained on internal company data specifically for new employee orientation could provide improved new employee experience.
Benefit enrollment time: HR reps respond to tons of emails and questions around benefit enrollment time. They send out emails, video walk-throughs, and documentation, but it doesn’t stop the onslaught of questions. A conversational AI chat model trained on HR benefits and enrollment data could streamline the request queue dramatically.
Writing contracts and statements of work: Generative AI is bad a creative and unique content creation, but really good at rote and standardized template work. A conversational chat workflow that allows the sales rep to input customer information and then auto-generates the contract or SOW for review.
University Accreditation
Accreditation is a multi-year process that can take up several full-time roles at a university. The amount of paperwork, forms, documents, and requirements is overwhelming. LLM models are great at synthesizing and processing the large volumes of information an accreditation office is required to review, understand and abide by.
Project Management
Between status reports, budget burndown, and change requests, project managers handle a large amount of information and process flow. An LLM copilot could auto-generate core aspects of status reports. For executive leadership looking for status updates, a conversational AI model could provide easy access to up-to-date project information on demand.
LLMs are here to stay. Get creative. Have fun.
Tell me about your business and what ideas you have for how LLMs could improve your workflow.