Expensive <> Price

A $10 book you only pick up once for 15 minutes is expensive.

A $150 book you reference once a week for years is cheap.

The cheap option that's wrong or ignored is very costly. The expensive option that meets the need is cheap.

This is true for books, electricians, plumbers, data consultants, and data tools.

If you are a buyer, be cautious of cheap options. Rarely does cheap come with easy maintenance, great support, and high customer satisfaction. But also be wary of arbitrary budgets and price perceptions; expensive and sticky problems are worth the cost to fix.

If you are a seller, being cheap often introduces frustrations into the solution. Be great at delivering value and the revenue will take care of itself. This doesn't mean you do everything great, or even most things. But you are clear about what you can successfully deliver. You underpromise and over-deliver every time.

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