Center the decision, not the data.
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Data Roundtable: Architecture Design Sessions. Join me and James Serra as we talk about how to run Data Architecture Design Sessions. James is a Technical Architect at Microsoft and the author of the O’Reilly book Deciphering Data Architectures.
When “data is the new oil”
And “data drives everything”
it’s easy to miss the main point of data.
To make better decisions.
When you start with data
You get distracted by collecting lots of data
You get enamored with interesting data.
You get isolated by data technology.
You get lost in data questions
When the decision comes first
Data serves the business instead of the other way around.
You know exactly why you are looking at the data.
Your action item or next step is easy to uncover.
Relevant data matters more than data volume.
This is the importance of decision-driven data. Center the decision, not the data.
I’m here,